第一次聽到Airiel時,是sky推薦給我的,在試聽的當下還滿喜歡,二話不說就買下他們早期四張EP裡的其中一張”Dizzy” ,這四張EP的封面結合在一起可以拼成一張藍色弧形的椅子上頭還有電話聽筒,給人的印象非常低調簡約,每一次聽Airiel的感覺都像是在天上游泳,主唱總是把尾音轉化的無比飄邈,當聽完這四張EP總會期待何時才會有完整的專輯作品出現。
Blue is my favorite color
that's what you said
that's what you said
it's mine as well, there's no other
you live in words and in pictures
that you send to me
that's how I get to collect you
piece by piece
blue jets fly all around me
that will rescue me
that's how you get to collect me
piece by piece
Airiel - Stay
i love the light in your eyes
fall of your hair as you turn
stay inside for a little while
stay tonight
don't let this all be a dream
wake up lonely instead
sense of loss, though it only was
in my head
i slipped these thoughts on your hand
symbolized with a band
by your side for the rest of my life
stay tonight
i love you