From A Pale Blue Rosary

2008年7月26日 星期六

Aarktica - Matchless Years

Aarktica是Jon DeRosa手中的其中一項音樂計畫,先前有Dead Leaves Rising以及以民謠為基調的Pale Horse and Rider,各個計畫都找來各方的樂手前來助陣。Jon DeRosa雖然為長期失去右耳聽力所苦,但依然不減他對音樂所抱持的熱情,無論是對於數種樂器的專精,還有嘗試不同樂種的表達手法,他都可以流善的詮釋出屬於自己的原味。

專輯Matchless Year的表現上有著純淨的Shoegaze吉他聲響加上電子節拍以及環境音樂的衣裹,搭配上Jon DeRosa沉著的嗓音更顯現出難以言語的緩慢哀愁。Aarktica的音樂上多包含著故事與詩的意像,每一個層次都是由很輕薄的線條鋪疊而成一首優美動人的曲調,不時隱約出現的弦樂聲響就像一位美麗的年輕女孩在城市流動人潮中一個瞬間的消失,當輕柔的音符化為腦中迷人的色彩,你不經讚嘆Jon DeRosa是如何將這些鎖散的色彩線條組合而成一種可聽見的具體。

I Name You Sleep加入Kendall Meade的女聲,更突顯這首歌所呢喃出一種如夢似幻的氣味,這或許是專輯當中最動人的歌曲。


Aarktica - I Name You Sleep

I Name You Sleep - Aarktica

i name you sleep
you name me destroyer of morning
feeling like death? well, that's okay
there's an open window never very far away.
not a dream, unreal as it seems
counting hours, counting days
counting the years since last time
you felt alive; you do all the time.

i name you sleep
you name me destroyer of morning
i know what this is; i know what we are.
we are lost. we are stars
feeling so high, waiting to die.
spent all my nights watching shadows loom
like a fugitive rummaging in my room
avoiding the light, barely alive.

hearing you leave
feeling i've unfound?
are something that tears me down
no solace of sleep
the secret i keep
i will take control of my plan
end my time before the sun can.
bring back the morn' destroyer is born.

